I am organic installation
November 18th – December 23rd 2006, exhibition “Lâchés dans la nature vol.III“,
Grande Galerie, Viry-Chatillon, France
Society of consumption – is it a black hole of our desires, our needs, our choices ?
Society of consumption – is it a black hole of our desires, our needs, our choices?
I AM ORGANIC is a representation and a statement about the omnipresent manipulation and distortion of meaning that has a social impact on an individual that inevitably leads to isolation and social injustice.
Does the ORGANIC concept deform this simple, elementary and common to everybody gesture of “nourishing oneself” turning it into an ideology inaccessible to many?
I am ORGANIC – I am HEALTHY, conscious, better… not like others!
Paradoxically it is the ability to buy that determines this “choice”. I am rich – I am ORGANIC. There lies the discreet charm of nature.
In the installation the “animal subject” offers itself and is to seduce with the idea of an equal world. However it always represents manipulation and mercantile disembodiment of a biological bond.
And us?
We are obliged to find a way to get around and not to drown in this ocean of choice and arousing questions.